Rock City, Montana
A stunning area filled with sandstone towers and a great view of the Two Medicine River.
There is a place in rural Montana that not many know. It’s easy to get there if you know where you are going, but the path is not well marked. Out of the landscape, magical towers appear creating a labyrinth of sandstone. Join me as I take you on a journey to Rock City.

Rock City is located straight north of Valier, Montana. The road to get there starts out paved, but quickly turns to dirt. I highly recommend a vehicle with plenty of ground clearance, such as a pick up or an SUV. You will be traveling through back roads and then into a field, so be prepared to feel like you are going the wrong way. Once you arrive, you are welcomed by a sign telling you that you are now on private property. Rest assured, Rock City is on state land. For directions, you can use your maps app and search for Rock City Rd Valier, Montana, or you can go to this website for detailed directions.

The main reason to visit Rock City is to climb on the Hoodoos. Hoodoos are tall towers (some of them are up to 20 feet tall) that were carved out of sandstone by the wind. The Two Medicine River Canyon to the north causes a wind tunnel-like effect, removing dirt and debris to expose the sandstone underneath. There are many unique hoodoos that comprise Rock City. These hoodoos also form small canyons that you can walk through, which means everywhere you look there is a different sight as you go deeper into natures maze.
Can you see the badger on this hoodoo? He blends in the the colors of the rock so well, we almost missed him, too. (Hint: look at the middle of the photograph)
While in Rock City, be on alert. Rattle snakes have been seen under overhangs and in the holes in the hoodoos. There is other wildlife that roam through there as well. Deer, antelope, and even the occasional horse are common place in rock city. When my husband and I were in Rock City, we actually saw a badger! It was sitting on the rock, sunning itself. You also have a high likelihood of seeing eagles, hawks, and other birds flying overhead. Considering the river is at the bottom of the canyon, don’t be surprised if you see a bear roaming by as well, though bear sightings are pretty rare.

If you find yourself traveling through Montana and need to stretch your legs, I highly recommend a trip to Rock City. This location is a pretty well-kept secret, so there is a fair chance that you will have the whole place to yourself. Rock City is a great place to spend a morning or an afternoon exploring. I absolutely recommend stopping if you are in the neighborhood.
Happy Traveling!