South Haven, Michigan is a sleepy little town during the winter. Most people have only visited during the summer months, when the water is warm and the beaches are full. This lakeside community is a welcoming place with cute shops downtown and a beautiful beach just a short walk away. I highly recommend stopping for a vacation, or if your contract is close by. South Haven is one of my favorite places in the US.

The stunning sunset over Lake Michigan is a popular destination for people looking to get away.

Walking on the pier is an amazing option, too.

Even when it’s winter time, watching the waves crest from the warmth of your car is relaxing.


A side view of the Friends Goodwill, a replica sloop that you can tour and sail on from the Michigan Maritime Museum. Visit their website here for more information.

The view through the rigging on the Friends Goodwill.

The beach is not the only great part of South Haven. This area of Michigan has a microclimate that is perfect for growing cold weather grapes. As a result, there are several wineries in the area. There are tasting rooms on Phoenix Street interspersed with the cute little shops of downtown. I recommend the sweet wines myself. It’s hard to pass up a good moscato.


Detroit, Michigan